Many people do not know there is a VA Pension they might qualify for that can assist them with the cost of their care.  This care could be what they are paying for assisted living home care, nursing home care and even independent living home care.  People who are still living at home may also qualify for VA Pension.  It is a matter of understanding the rules associated with obtaining the VA Pension.

The VA Pension can help allow Veterans, widows and Veteran couples to have enough money to live in an assisted living facility, nursing facility or independent living facility and to be able to afford to live there on-going.  The pension can also allow families to remain at home and be able to pay for and obtain the care they need.

In order to qualify for VA Pension, the Veteran must have been in the service during a qualified war period.


WWII:  12-07-1941 through 12-31-1946, Inclusive (If in service on 12-31-1946 with continuous service before 07-26-1947, this is acceptable as war time.)

KOREAN WAR:  06-27-1950 through 01-31-1955, Inclusive

VIETNAM WAR:  “Feet on the ground” in Vietnam from 11-01-1955 through 08-04-1964. Starting 08-05-1964 through 05-07-1975 you did not have to physically be “in country” to qualify.

PERSIAN GULF WAR:  The Veteran qualifies if one of the following is true:

  • You started on active duty before September 8, 1980, and you served at least 90 days on active duty with at least 1 day during wartime, or
  • You started on active duty as an enlisted person after September 7, 1980, and served at least 24 months or the full period for which you were called or ordered to active duty (with some exceptions) with at least 1 day during wartime, or
  • You were an officer and started on active duty after October 16, 1981, and you hadn’t previously served on active duty for at least 24 months.

The Veteran must have served during these war times with at least (1) day during the listed war periods and (90) days of consecutive service.

The Veteran must have a general or better discharge.  Dishonorable discharges do not qualify for pension.

Reserve time does not qualify for pension unless the reservist was activated to active service for a period of 90 days or more during one of the qualified war periods.

Training during Reserves does not count.

If a widow remarries after the death of her qualified Veteran husband, she is no longer qualified for pension under that husband.  Her new husband must qualify under the described qualification periods and have a general or better discharge.  She must be married to this veteran at least one year before his death in order to qualify as a surviving spouse.

If there is a divorce, the wife no longer qualifies for the VA Pension, regardless of how long she might have been married to the qualified Veteran.

There are asset considerations for VA Pension qualification.   A Veteran, spouse, or Veteran couple assets can be no more than $159,240.  The home does not count regardless of value.  Property is now counted in acreage.

Please consult your accredited VA Pension attorney’s office to best understand the rules in this area.  Many people feel they have too many assets to qualify for pension; in reality that is rarely the case.  A VA accredited attorney practice can guide you relative to assets and qualification.

When you speak to an accredited VA attorney office, they will ask a series of questions relative to the VA qualification periods as they relate to you, your monthly income, monthly medical expenses, health and assets.  By providing this information it can be quickly determined if you are a candidate to obtain the VA Pension.

New Pension amounts as of December 1, 2024 (increase of 2.5%)

Basic Improved Pension $1,851 $22,216
Housebound $2,165 $25,982
Aid and Attendance $2,795 $33,548
Basic Improved Pension $1,413 $16,965
Housebound $1,727 $20,732
Aid and Attendance $2,358 $28,300
Basic Improved Pension $948 $11,380
Housebound $1,159 $13,908
Aid and Attendance $1,515 $18,187

We are always happy to present a presentation at one of the area facilities.  We have two types of presentations which can both be adapted for social distancing:

(1) for a general overview of a subject, these presentations are approximately 30 minutes, then we allow 30 minutes for questions and answers.

(2) would be a much more detailed presentation, which could be 60 minutes or more, depending on who you want to market to: Attorneys, Financial advisers, CPA’s, individuals, and anyone that is interested in the subject.

While at the facility, we will be glad to meet with individuals to address their specific questions.

Topics for Presentations:

(1) Life Planning Cycle- What is this and how can this help you move forward as health of life circumstances change.

(2) VA Pension Planning-“Are you qualified.” If you are a Veteran or a Surviving Spouse of a Veteran, you may qualify for a VA Pension.  This might allow you to afford the facility of your choosing and afford to stay there.  A couple could get up to $2,795 per month, a single Veteran could get $2,358, and a Surviving Spouse could get $1,515.  This is all TAX FREE MONEY!

(3) What documents do you need at this point in your life? Will? Trust? Power of Attorneys?

(4) Probate- What is it and how to avoid it?

(5) Asset Protection- Steps to take to prevent thefts and scams, avoid probate, and protect assets from other liabilities.

(6) Hosting a Panel discussion on Legal Questions that might be of interest to your residents.

(7) Lunch and Learn with 5 professionals from different fields that work with seniors and a representative from your facility.