Maximum Annual Pension Rate Table

Find your Maximum Annual Pension Rate (MAPR) amount For qualified surviving spouses with at least 1 dependentIf you have 1 dependent child and… Your MAPR amount is as follows: 1.You don’t qualify for Housebound or A&A benefits $11,330 2.You qualify for Housebound benefits $13,249 3.You qualify for A&A benefits $16,506 4.You qualify for A&A benefits…

2017 yearly income as set by Congress

In a future blog, we’ll discuss the terms Housebound and Aid and Attendance. Again, it is crucial to understand how the deduction of medical expenses plays such a vital role in determining yearly income.   2017 Family Income Limits (Effective Dec 1, 2016) If you are a… Your yearly income must be less than… *…

Understanding the whys of Vietnam VA pension eligibility

Most American conflicts have a significant beginning (i.e. Pearl Harbor in 1941), but not so with Vietnam. The United States entered  in incremental steps between 1950 and 1964. It began with Truman assisting the French in maintaining their control in the region; this region included Cambodia and Laos. When the French had to accept the…