Famous After Death: Why Estate Planning Should Be For Everyone

Stieg Larsson is not a name that is easily recognized, but his story shows why everyone needs estate planning.  Stieg Larsson grew up with his grandparents in a small wooden house in the countryside of Sweden.  His Father had worked in a smelting factory, eventually suffering from arsenic poisoning.  His Mother and Father moved to…

The Myth: Estate Planning is Only For The Rich

According to the Wealthcounsel’s Estate Planning Survey only 60% of Americans are not planning for the future by protecting themselves and their family.  Clients from all social backgrounds can benefit from estate planning.  Parents may want to designate a guardian for their children.  Homeowners could seek to ensure that their homes are transferred to their…

With Over 50% of Retired Seniors Remarrying, Are You Doing Everything You Can For Your Client?

The experience of finding a companion is exciting to most at any age. To someone that has lost a spouse, or has never thought about marriage until retirement age, it can be an exciting time that they didn’t expect in their later life.  50% of retired Seniors are remarrying or getting married for the first…